
Sending lots of hugs and kisses your way, And wishing you both, A Very Happy Anniversary.

People who know how to brighten a day, With heart-warming smiles and the kind words they say, People who know how to gently impart, The comfort it takes to cheer someone’s heart, People who know how to willingly share, Who know how to give and know how to care, Who know how to let all their warm feelings show-Are people that other are lucky to know, There’s so much about you that’s nice to recall… You are a wonderful person, and that isn’t all… You make others happy with the kind things you do, And I am blessed to know special people like you. You’d be surprised how often I think of you, And wish you the very best… This is one of those times.
Read MoreSending lots of hugs and kisses your way, And wishing you both, A Very Happy Anniversary.


Many seniors could be receiving food assistance. If you live in Marion County, come to the Yellville Area Food Closet from 8:30 a.m.-noon on Thursdays and check your eligibility.