Submit an Obituary

To submit an obituary, send an email to

Please include the following information in your email:

  • Your contact information: Name, Billing Address, Phone Number and Email Address
  • The exact text you want to be printed.
  • Any photo(s) you would like printed (maximum of 2 photos)
  • The name of the funeral home taking care of arrangements
  • The phone number of the funeral home taking care of arrangements.
  • The name of our paper
  • The date(s) you would like to see your obituary printed.

A representative will contact you with any questions, and to provide you with pricing information.

All Obits are $20.00 for 350 words or less, $5.00 per Picture. Over 350 words will be charged by the word with a free picture.

A Death Notice is free of charge maximum of 150 words.