
Pets of the Week

This cute sweetie pie in his Halloween costume is Lionel! He is a Shepherd/Lab mix and very intelligent. Lionel is around seven months old and so well-behaved that he has even traveled with our volunteers and other dogs to many Fall events this month.
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Gallery of Honor

In preparation for the Flippin School Veterans Day program, on November 11, submissions for the “Gallery of Honor” are now being accepted. The Gallery of Honor is open to all students, staff and community members to submit copies of photos along with an information sheet, of any loved one or friend that they would like to honor.
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Next Generation Concert Coming to Ozark Folk Center State Park

The Next Generation Concert returns to the Ozark Folk Center during Bean Festival and Championship Outhouse races in Mountain View on Saturday, October 26. The concert is a fundraiser sponsored by the Committee of One Hundred to raise funds for the Music Roots Program for youth in the Mountain View area. Music Roots provides free music lessons and loaned instruments for homeschool and public-school students beginning in 4th grade.
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You Got to Have Faith

What do you have Faith in and why? One more question do you have Faith for the future? You got to have Faith, so how do I get me some, here is how. Romans 10:17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
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FOMCL Announces Fall Book Sale

FOMCL, Friends of the Marion County Library, would like to announce it will be having its fall book sale on November 8 and 9. For those not familiar with our organization, our mission is to provide support for the Marion County Library and its resources, organize volunteers and raise funds.
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When You Pray

Luke 11:1 One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he finished, one of his disciples said to him, “Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples.” When you Pray, not if you Pray, but, when you Pray.
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Free Dental Care for Eligible Veterans

LITTLE ROCK— Arkansas veterans may be eligible to receive free dental care on November 1, during the 3rd annual Operation Stand Down. Dentists at seven participating dental clinics across the state will volunteer their time and expertise to provide acute/urgent pain relief, oral exams, X-rays, extractions, routine maintenance and more.
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